
College is incorporated by Royal Charter which sets out the framework for the governance and management of College by Council, the governing body. Members of Council perform a voluntary, non-executive role in overseeing the day-to-day running of College by the Principal and the Leadership Team. College is a Registered Charity and members of Council are the trustees of the Charity.

An external shot of the Princess Hall at Cheltenham Ladies' College


Council comprises a maximum of 15 Elected Members appointed by the Corporate Members of College and three Nominated Members appointed by the academic staff, the support staff and the Incorporated Guild of Cheltenham Ladies’ College respectively. Members are appointed for a term of three years and may serve a maximum of three three-year terms. Each member brings a wealth of different skills and experience to Council.

Council meets once a term with an additional annual strategy meeting. Council business is carried out within a structured framework of committees and individual responsibilities relating to specific areas of College’s operation. Each committee meets at least once a term, reports termly to, and has its decisions ratified by, full Council.

Council periodically establishes committees and working groups to provide oversight of specific areas of College’s operation. These committees and working groups may include co-opted members and employees of College.

Governance and administrative support is provided to Council by the Clerk to Council and an administrative assistant.


Corporate Members make up the corporate body of College. They elect members of Council and receive the Annual Report and Accounts, but are not involved in the day-to-day running of College.

Council Advisory Board

The Council Advisory Board (CAB) is a Council initiative, intended to bring fresh, diverse perspectives to challenge, inform and advise Council on a range of topics in support of Council’s ambition of strengthening the educational experience provided by College and maintaining good governance. CAB is formed by up to 10 Guild (College alumnae) members, who have left College within the last 10-15 years.


Copies of College's Annual Report can be downloaded at the links below:


The Chair of Council may be contacted via email to the Clerk to Council or by post addressed to:

Mrs Merryl Webster
Chair of Council
C/O Clerk to Council's Office
Cheltenham Ladies' College
Bayshill Road
GL50 3EP

Tel: +44(0)1242 520691

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