Junior Boarding

Our six Junior Houses are home to our Lower and Upper College boarders (11-16 years old).

Each House is different, yet the same. Each has the same facilities – a dining room, common rooms, prep rooms for completing homework, and dorms. However, each has its own unique sense of identity – formed over decades and influenced by the layout of the House, the staff that work there, and inevitably the girls that live there too. By the nature of boarding, as each year progresses new girls join and older girls progress onto Sixth Form houses, everyone who has called it home leaves their mark on the House and helps to shape the ever-evolving intangible sense of House spirit that helps make it a special place to live.

5 students in CLC uniform dance to Just Dance on a Wii console

Each House is run by a Houseparent(s) who may also have a small teaching commitment. They are supported by a Deputy Houseparent and a team of staff, some of whom live-in, as well as a dedicated Chef, kitchen and domestic staff.

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