Blogs and Interviews

How to make the most of your education at CLC
30th January 2024

To coincide with the launch of our new podcast, we asked Rayan, a prefect in SFC2 (Year 13) to look back on her time at College, and asked her "How do you make the most of an education at CLC?"

When I joined Cheltenham Ladies’ College in LC3, I thought that the classroom was where learning took place. However, the past five years at College have taught me quite the opposite; what I learn from my teachers in class is just the tip of the iceberg, and there is so much more to discover.

CLC has given me the resources and opportunities to transform my learning, and enabled me to immerse myself in my subjects. By studying Politics, for example, I have understood how reading around my subject deepens my interest and extends my knowledge in different topics, and this allows me to participate in debates and discussions more effectively. In doing so, I enjoy Politics more as I am better informed and have a stronger fundamental understanding of different arguments on Feminism or Brexit, for example.

One thing that has helped me make the most of my time here, is taking the opportunity to go to co-curricular activities after school. At CLC, there is a huge variety of clubs and societies to attend, including ‘Formula Fusion’ and ‘Criminal Justice Club’. This has been invaluable, as I was able to meet people with the same interests as me, and go beyond the school curriculum to learn more about topics I was particularly interested in.

Moving up through the school, going on to lead these societies has been an amazing experience; guiding students of all ages and engaging in discussions that range from telenovelas to the state of the UK’s democracy. What has helped me the most is the environment created by students and teachers here – an environment in which we are able to ask questions and receive answers that inspire us to learn more about different areas of personal interest.

To new students: I would recommend involving yourself in everything that is on offer at College, because this is the best way to make the most of your time here. By attending clubs, students can discover new ways of thinking, and new themes that haven’t crossed their minds before.

I would also advise taking advantage of the wonderful library - it holds a wealth of knowledge, as well as being the perfect place to study, and of course, read. 

You can hear more about how to make the most of your education here at CLC, and academic enrichment by listening to our first podcast episode with Dr David Gamblin, Vice Principal Academic.

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