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Artist Workshop with Printmaker Katherine Jones RA
4th May 2023

We started the term in the Art Department with a fantastic workshop with artist and printmaker Katherine Jones. Jones’ artistic practice is underpinned by drawing and painting, and concluded in multi-layered painterly prints. Her collagraph prints often utilise rudimentary materials but the outcomes are complex multi-layered prints that explore the notion of safety.

UC4 (Year 10) Art Scholars and SFC1 (Year 12) Art students spent the day learning printmaking techniques and process that she uses in her art practice. Students began by looking at some of her prints and making a ‘test’ block to explore the technique. By break they had produced a print and then spent the remainder of the day developing work and adding in more complex techniques. For many students this was their first exploration of print, particularly collagraph. As a result of the workshop many students are continuing their printmaking in lessons and weaving the techniques into their current coursework.

Mrs Freedman, Teacher of Art

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