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Fundraising and Community Links Update
21st March 2024

At Cheltenham Ladies' College, volunteering and charity efforts, led by the Community Links programme, come in diverse and inspiring forms. The programme embodies the school's commitment to shaping well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically but also understand the profound impact they can have on their local community.

We have 148 students go out every week to elderly residential centres, primary schools, special needs schools, Foodbanks and the RDA. Our pupils love getting out into Cheltenham and working with different groups.

Care home volunteering

I recently had the privilege of going along with the students to one of our partner care homes and saw the very genuine friendships with residents. They set up their usual board games and I was told that one resident is a bit of a champion at draughts; ‘He wins every time Mrs Isaac, I’ve only won once’. Another student was playing Ludo which she wasn’t familiar with but the lady she played with knew the rules and was teaching her how to play.

The familiarity with which our students spoke to the residents was touching to see. I was told by the Activities Co-ordinator that the residents love having them in and are disappointed when College breaks for its holidays. 

“I love chatting with all the residents, they never fail to make me laugh and the time always flies by" - Student

"My highlight of the week is walking into a room of people with many different stories and experiences yet all coming together for a good game of 20 Questions” - Student

RDA (Riding for the Disabled Association) volunteering

We have some new partners this year including RDA. Students assist in all manner of tasks, helping individuals ride the horses, bringing the ponies in from the field and shovelling fair amounts of horse poo!

Primary school reading

We work really hard with our partner primary schools to support them with reading. Students take the time to read with pupils as they understand the importance of learning to read in busy schools where staff are time-stretched.

‘Thank you for sending us such a lovely group. We would be delighted to receive any more students - they are a great addition to any classroom! - Partner school feedback

I would like to thank the students for giving up their lunchtimes and free periods to help people in our community. ‘Serve and enrich’ is what we aim for and I hope we have achieved this.

Foodbank donations

Over the last few weeks, each House has been collecting donations for one of our partners, the Trussell Trust Foodbank. I would like to thank each House for their amazing efforts and the students for donating ‘little and often’ which is what the Foodbank needs.

We look forward to working with them again next term.

Easter Bazaar

On Sunday 17th March, we hosted an Easter Bazaar in Beale to raise money for College Charities.

We had a bake sale selling brownies, cookies, cakes and Easter nests which everyone in the House helped to make. We also had activities such as jewellery making, mug and egg cup painting, face painting and caricatures.

We were able to raise over £250. We hope to continue to raise money through similar fun-themed events!

Mrs Isaac, Social Action Mentor

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