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Fundraising and Volunteering May 2024
5th June 2024

St Hilda’s East Ambassador Program

Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting Lucy Bingham, Director of St Hilda’s East, Kate Simpson, Chair of the Board of Trustees, and Paola Santa Cruz, Trustee, to meet with our very first St Hilda’s East Ambassadors.

The Ambassadors are 17 students have been selected to work with St Hilda’s East over the next two years to support and assist the very important work they do.

We are incredibly grateful to Lucy, Kate and Paola for coming from London for our first meeting and we can’t wait to collaborate. St Hilda’s East is a community centre in East London, founded by Guild who provide essential services for local residents.

St Hilda’s East are celebrating 135 years of serving the community and we are looking forward to seeing all the great work we can accomplish together.

CLC Community Kitchen

To try and tackle food poverty in our local area, we have set up a CLC Community Kitchen. Each week we are making and preparing packed lunches to be donated to Springbank pantry, so that their users can help themselves to a free packed lunch for themselves or their children.

Our lovely students have volunteered to help prepare and make the sandwiches in the Food Tech kitchens to be delivered to the pantry.

Springbank Community Group CiC are a member of the ‘Feed Cheltenham’ network of Community Food Pantries across the borough of Cheltenham. They ensure that their service users do not go hungry. 

Mrs Isaac, Social Action Mentor

The Hosanna House and Children's Pilgrimage Trust

During the Easter holiday, I spent a week in Lourdes, France volunteering for a charity called HCPT, The Hosanna House and Children's Pilgrimage Trust. HCPT is a registered charity offering pilgrimage holidays in the south of France, for disabled and disadvantaged people from around the UK and further afield.

I was part of HCPT Group 3 and was one of the 13 volunteers taking nine children from the Cheltenham area, mainly from Bettridge School in Cheltenham, on a week-long adventure.

Throughout the week there were many special moments for me as a new volunteer. Some of the most touching moments were small but so special, such as going for ice cream, singing songs, playing sports and water fights. The note below made during colouring time and given to me by one of the children is so special as it captures her happiness in the moment and I will always treasure it.

My stand-out moment of the trip was when we, alongside over 4,000 other children and volunteers, took part in the night-time torchlight parade in front of the Basilica. It was beautiful to see all the torches lighting up the night with an overwhelming sense of unity and coming together to make the children’s week unique and special.

Bettridge School has an ongoing volunteering partnership with CLC. If you would like to find out more about the Lourdes trip or are interested in becoming a volunteer, perhaps as part of your Gold DofE, I would be very happy to discuss.

Sophie, SFC1

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