On Thursday 20th June, SFC1 Economists attended a talk given by Andrew Morgan, Director of Global 78. Andrew is an operational strategist who has over 30 years’ advisory and research experience in international agri-food logistics and supply chain management.
The talk was titled ‘Post-Brexit Fresh Produce Logistics’ and detailed just how dependent United Kingdom consumer markets are on overseas supply. In particular, Andrew spoke about the intricacies of supply-chain management in shipping fresh fruit and vegetables from the EU into the UK, and why this process has become even more complicated post-Brexit. He went on to discuss why economists must understand more than data if they are to influence policies and strategies, before considering the likely future effects of the ongoing rollout of new border controls.
This was a rare opportunity for students to gain insight into supply-chain logistics on such a granular level. Students asked some well-considered and challenging questions after the talk, reflecting their genuine depth of interest in this particular area.
My thanks to Andrew Morgan for taking the time to share these insights with the students.
Mr Ratinckx, Head of Economics
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