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MathsCareer Video Competition
22nd February 2024

Recently, we discovered the opportunity to take part in the MathsCareer Video Competition. Aiming to build up interest in maths amongst our peers, we decided to introduce a fun and challenging question. Having looked at a wide range of topics, we considered the Prisoner Box Riddle as the most engaging and captivating.

We started by writing the script. Since neither of us had video editing experience, a PowerPoint was made with some animation and hand-drawn diagrams first, then screen-recorded afterwards. Following on, we combined the soundtrack and the video, before editing and adding the script.

During the process of making the video, we extracted key points from a great amount of information and explained the logic behind complicated maths problems. It was doubtlessly worthwhile and rewarding for us to attend and challenge ourselves.

Fortunately, our work has been recognised and has come first in the Year 12 and Year 13 group.

Nancy and Stella (SFC1)

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