News and Social Media

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2022
25th March 2022

We have been celebrating Neurodiversity Week 2022 by raising awareness in College. Prayers on Monday was taken by a group of students who were keen to communicate the message that ‘spiky profiles’ should be celebrated! If biodiversity is good for the planet, neurodiversity is good for the human race.

Students and staff have received a daily email featuring information about neurodivergent conditions. They have featured: dyslexia, dyscalculia, Autistic Spectrum Conditions, dyspraxia and ADHD. Along with short pieces on ‘neurodivergent icons’, links were provided to reading and video resources, organisations and websites – plus there was a chance to win an ‘organisational’ hamper full of stationery.

The Maths Department got involved by showing that different minds solve problems in different ways with some thoughtful lesson starters. The Library created a display and produced a reading list of books by neurodivergent authors and novels featuring neurodivergent characters.

All of this has come about through the efforts of an enthusiastic ‘behind-the-scenes crew’ of students with assistance from the Learning Support coaches. Some of the group have a vested interest, whilst others just want to get involved and find out more about neurodiversity. Every perspective has been welcomed and the planning meetings were lively. Ms East and I are very grateful to our Prayers readers and behind-the-scenes crew. Watch out for more events and initiatives to celebrate our neurodiverse community!

Mrs Mason, Head of Learning Support