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Success in Mandarin in the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators 2024
11th July 2024

Congratulations to Sochi (LC2) who is the winner of Mandarin Level 1 in the South West Region in the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators 2024. This is a huge achievement as she was contending with 16,000 participants.

“I'm so happy and grateful that I won the Anthea Bell Prize. I found out about it because my Chinese teacher recommended that my class should do it, and I actually stayed one hour after class to finish the work!

I found the poem very interesting because it could be interpreted in many different ways which was very useful to me!

I like studying Mandarin because the writing is very beautiful and the meanings behind each stroke are so interesting. Mandarin is such a fun language to learn!”

Sochi, LC2