I wanted to highlight the amazing performance of the UC4 Mock Trial team who competed against a very well-prepped and eloquent Stroud High School team. Thankfully, we were well versed and had been ably supported by the amazing Sydney (SFC2 Law Rep).
I am pleased to announce we won the verdict in defending our client who was accused of causing criminal damage by graffiti. The Mayor of Cheltenham, local police officers and magistrates in attendance were incredibly impressed by our girls and the high standard, of what was the first of several similar trials taking place.
Although the girls had set roles (see below), there had been personnel changes in the last week with some girls having to step up to larger speaking roles. Irrespective of roles, all team members had to help prepare for the case and work hard in supporting each other, for example ‘how to deal with cross examination’.
The girls' performances, including the submission of Kitty's court report and Jojo's court pictures, act as part of the overall competition. We await feedback; however, Mrs Hale and I are very happy by the verdict, which goes to show the quality of the defence team's case.
Magistrates: Julia and Sophia
Defence team: Bella and Yara
Court Usher: Ehije
Witnesses: Gloria and Lizzie
Defendant: Averie
Court Reporter: Kitty
Court Artist: Jojo - I am blown away by the quality of Jojo's pictures.
Mr Murray, Head of UC4 and Teacher of History and Politics
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