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UC4 History Gustav Stresemann memorial
12th October 2023

Tuesday 3rd October 2023 marked the 94th anniversary of the death of, arguably, Germany's greatest statesman and politician of the 1920s during the Weimar Republic. Stresemann was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1926, and helped reinvigorate Germany's return to the international community in the vanquished wake of WW1.

In honour of his remarkable achievements, both Mr Murray's and Miss Lowsley's UC4 classes came together to mark this day and got into character to team teach the reforms, achievements and legacy of this notable German Chancellor and Foreign Minister.

For the History Department, his significance also lies in the often debated 'what ifs' of history. Had Stresemann not died prematurely, would his statesmanship have helped guide Germany through the Great Depression with more assuredness than the instability which led to the infamous period to come? It is natural for historians to want to celebrate the 'good people of history' in the midst of the breakdown of international order so soon after the end of the 'war to end all wars'.

With Stresemann, we truly see the very best in German statecraft, when many others on the international stage promoted bitterness, inwardness and self-interest.

Mr Murray, Teacher of History and Politics

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