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Wellbeing Launch: Why Wellbeing Matters
23rd September 2022

“Twenty-first century life is busy, and can sometimes feel overwhelming, but with the right knowledge and strategies in place, we can all thrive.” So said Teentips and Wellbeing Hub founder, Alicia Drummond, who visited College to address the student body on Friday 9th September. During her talk, Alicia mentioned things that can affect our mental health, and ways we can all be more proactive by investing in our wellbeing. She also reminded us of many of the brilliant resources at our fingertips on the Teentips Wellbeing Hub.

Alicia is passionate about providing evidenced-based advice, so those caring for young people can be pro-active in supporting their mental health and wellbeing. Alicia also works directly with children and young people, empowering them to look after their mental health and wellbeing too. She draws on the latest research from psychotherapy, psychology and neuroscience, along with her experience of working as an adolescent therapist.

Alicia is a British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy accredited therapist, parenting expert, sought-after keynote speaker, member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood, author and a mother. She is regularly sought for her expert opinion by the media.

Having worked with schools across the UK for more than a decade delivering webinars, talks and workshops to parents, carers, staff, and pupils; in 2020 Alicia created The Wellbeing Hub. This award-winning platform provides schools with a whole school, pro-active approach to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of young people, now in over 130 schools in the UK, impacting over 84,000 pupils. Thanks to CLC’s subscription to this excellent Hub, all CLC parents, students and staff have free access to this Hub. 

We are proud to be associated with TeenTips, and thrilled that via our subscription, we have been able to nominate and support some local maintained schools for free access to the Hub too. Thus, many more students in the local community benefit from the resources, thanks to College contributing to this excellent service!

You can watch the video introduction for parents here.

Details of how to register for access to the Wellbeing Hub can be found on My School Portal. Please note that access to The Wellbeing Hub is strictly limited to the families of CLC, and we would value your support with this. 

Ms Woodhead, Head of Lower College and Wellbeing Co-ordinator